As the Chief Worship Leader for Victory Tabernacle Church International Bishop Strickland delights often in creating an atmosphere where the presence and power of God moves and signs, wonders, and miracles do indeed follow. He is a worship leader par excellent. His ability to create an atmosphere where the glory of God is manifested is incredible.
Bishop has facilitated workshops in various ministries across the country and in other countries on worship and its effectiveness. As a psalmist, he shares practical tools that he uses weekly at Victory Tabernacle as the congregation goes “up” in worship weekly.
He has served as the Servant Leader for Victory since 2007 when his father answered the call of God to enter in his eternal rest. Bishop loves leading and serving the people of God and his vision is that individuals know that there is greatness in everyone and he empowers them to discover the greater.
Mathew 25:31-40 speaks to the Judgement that the church will have to answer. Bishop desires vs. 40 to be the goal for Victory Tabernacle ~ … I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me. As a community oriented church, Victory Tabernacle seeks to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone we come in contact with.
Our vision is to Expose God while Expanding His Kingdom through, worship, the word and our witness.